Principles of News Editing

The Principles of Good News Editing are,

  1. Accuracy
  2. Balance and Fairness
  3. Brevity
  4. Clarity
  5. Simplicity
  6. Readability
  7. Human interest

Accuracy: The sub editor should be fascinated with accuracy because it just takes a split second to make a mistake that can ruin the reputation of a newspaper or magazine. Verifying facts and double-checking names, numbers, and figures is crucial.

Balance and Fairness: By remaining objective, balance can be attained. Editing objectively entails presenting the information without prejudice or preconceived notions. It opposes "editorialization" or the expression of personal opinions in news reporting. It is giving the reader the full narrative. The sub-editor must refrain from writing in anyone's favor. Fairness entails honesty. It is acquired by accurate observation.

Brevity: Readers and editors alike value journalism's wonderful virtue of brevity. It is telling a tale in an uncomplicated manner, as it should. When completed perfectly, it saves both time and space and receives praise.

Clarity: The capacity to think clearly and express it on paper is a characteristic that can advance a person to the upper echelons of the media hierarchy. Length of sentences and a direct, uncomplicated tone of speech affect readability.

Simplicity: For the most part, a news report needs to be straightforward and clear. Short, simple words should take the place of long, complex ones while editing. Discard jargon and clutter for speech that is more straightforward. The story's words should be given careful consideration in order to raise its caliber and appeal.

Readability: A sub-editor needs to be watchful for grammatical errors that could confuse readers. The proper use of words, phrases, and grammar is crucial for language development. Utilizing readability formulas, readability is accomplished. Rudolf Flesch created one of them, the frequently used formula.

Human Interest: The art of editing is around using a style that piques readers' interest. Subeditors should consider events from the readers' perspective and write news reports with the readers' goals, anxieties, and aspirations in mind at all times. The subeditor should identify with the fictitious "ordinary man," who although he doesn't exist, stands for the quiet majority that journalists are obligated to defend and safeguard.

Role and Function of the News Editor

  • To strengthen the editor's position, examine and capitalize on the different characteristics and needs of print and digital media.
  • Manage and generate news such that it is presented accurately, naturally, and on schedule.
  • To increase readership, keep an eye on multimedia, nonlinear, and alternative narrative techniques.
  • Set up a work schedule and deadlines, and motivate your team to achieve goals in order to publish your work on time.
  • Create and implement coverage strategies to enable thorough coverage of all news and problems.
  • Create original and creative methods to improve routine news coverage.
  • Work together to facilitate effective news coverage in order to boost the company's position in the media market. Collaborate with reporters, editors, photojournalists, and anchors.
  • Use technology to your advantage by using editor's tools, maps, stingers, and computer graphics to make your news presentation appealing to readers.
  • Organize and edit content to meet reader needs and give them in-depth information.
  • Respond to multiple conflicting priorities when working in a creative atmosphere.
  • Give news reporters instruction on how to choose stories that will interest both current and potential readers.
  • Establish priorities for the same in coordination with colleagues in the newsroom and other departments.
  • Check all fresh information for validity and confirm the accuracy of published articles with the sources to prevent disagreements.
  • With the aid of video editing tools, manage and edit daily news, unique news articles, and periodicals content to facilitate video broadcast.
  • For editing and additional publication, keep an eye on all feeds from news organizations and other agencies.
  • Give freelance photographers projects, and write reports on current news trends to attract new readers and keep old ones interested.