The term "news" refers to information about current events. This can be delivered through a variety of channels, including word of mouth, printing, postal networks, radio, electronic communication, and the testimony of event observers and witnesses. War, government, politics, education, health, the environment, the economy, business, fashion, entertainment, and sport are all common subjects for news reports. 

Since ancient times, government proclamations about royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals have been dubbed news. Technological and societal advances, frequently pushed by government communication and espionage networks, have enhanced the speed with which news can circulate and affected its content. 

The English term "news" first appeared in the 14th century as a variant of the plural form of "new." The comparable word in Middle English was newes, as in French nouvelles and German Neues. Similar developments can be found in Slavic languages, such as Czech and Slovak noviny (from nový, "new"), the comparable Polish nowiny, Bulgarian novini, and Russian novosti, as well as in Celtic languages, such as Welsh newyddion (from newydd) and Cornish nowodhow (from nowydh).

Definition of NEWS

There is no universal definition of news. News is a complete, clear, and accurate narrative of an incident. A news story is a description of an event as well as the event itself. News is the account of an event that has happened in a specific time period. The important aspect of news is that it is an occurrence that involves some sort of activity. This report describes, narrates, highlights, or records the action. 

The classic definition of news is this: 

“Dog bites man” is not news; “Man bites dog” is news.

Various authors have explained news in different ways. Here are some definition of news by different authors:

Oxford Dictionary defines it as “New information, the report of latest incident”.

According to Gerald W. Johnson, “News is the report of such incidents as in writing them, a first rank journalist feels satisfied”.

According to William F. Brook, “News is in fact a synonym of the unexpected.”

According to William Stead, “Everything which is extra-ordinary and unusual is called news”.

According to Carrel Warren, “news is usually a report which is not known to layman before its presentation. This report deals with such activities of man as are a source of interest, entertainment or information to the readers.

British Journal defines the news as, “any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them”.

Charles Dana, who ran the New York Sun from 1869-1897, said news is “anything that interests a large part of the community and has never been brought to its attention before.”

According to William Rivers, News is the timely report of events, facts, and opinions that interests a significant number of people. For him, the two key elements of news are ‘timely’ and ‘interest a significant number’. A report may be timely, if it lacks interest of the audience is it not news and vice versa.

According to Willard G. Bleyers,  News is anything timely that interests a number of people and the best news is that which of greatest interest to the greatest number of people.

According to Kurt Loder, News is anything that’s interesting, that relates to what’s happening in the world, what’s happening in areas of the culture that would be of interest to your audience.

According to John Hulteng and Roy Paul Nelson, News is anything that interests you and that you did not already know. Both elements are typically present in an item of news.

According to George Huge of the University of Georgia, “News is both a product and point a view. As a product, news is gathered, processed, packaged and sold by the newspapers, news services, news magazines, radio, television and cable station and networks. News is also whatever people think is news. What a reporter or an editor feels interesting, exciting or important. News is something that a particular moment happens to attract and hold the interest of the reader or listener”.

The Concept of NEWS

Let’s consider the following events,

  • A girl from your village going to primary school or high school
  • A person opens a book store in your village
  • A man aged 55 marrying a girl aged 15

Which do you think is more interesting?

A girl attending elementary or secondary school is not unusual. There is no curiosity raised by it. However, if she is the first girl in your town to enroll in school, there will undoubtedly be some curiosity, at least among your villager population.

The launching of a bookstore may not yet be a major deal. This is one of several stores that are present. However, it will draw notice if it is the only store in a given neighborhood or small town.

On the other hand, everyone would be interested in a 55-year-old man marrying a 15-year-old girl. Because of how uncommon this is, The media frequently presents information about such uncommon events as news.

Criteria's to be considered for NEWS

News is new: There is always something fresh in the news. The news of the passing of well-known Bengali actor Razzak was published the same day, or at best, the next day's newspaper.  It won't be printed in the newspaper the day after tomorrow since it will no longer be "new information,". However, if any fresh information regarding his passing is discovered, it can be published. If earlier events are not published, they may still be news. It cannot be news if the information is in the public domain. No matter when it occurred, if it is reported for the first time, it will make the news.

News is unusual: Things are happening around us at all times. However, all of these are news. As previously discussed, a girl attending to school is nothing out of the ordinary. However, if the girl is the first girl in her community or region to attend school, this is exceptional and therefore will make the news.

News is interesting: Even if something is new and unusual, it might not make the news if no one is interested in it. One boy from a rural location receives the highest grade possible on the board examinations; this may be new and rare in that specific place. However, it is unlikely to attract the interest of anyone outside of that region or the boy's family. However, if the boy is a national sensation, it will attract national interest and be newsworthy for the national media.

News is significant: News is always significant, in addition to being fresh, unexpected, and interesting. Consider this: a member of a student political party claims that rice would be given in communities for five taka per KG. This is of minor importance and will not make headlines. However, if The Prime Minister makes the same declaration, it will be news since an announcement from The Prime Minister is always significant.

News is not always about people: Most news is naturally about people since most events, directly or indirectly, involve people. Humans are not always the main characters in all events. Non-human events such as a hurricane, a fire, a drought, or an earthquake can also occur. However, when such natural disasters or non-human events occur, they become news when they have an impact on people's lives. People are always mentioned in the news.